The world is evolving, so should brands.

We help our clients remain relevant and impactful in an ever-evolving marketplace.

remnant strategy.

remnant strategy.

Our Philosophy.

“We’re consulting for the culture.”

The world is growing younger and more diverse. Futureproofing your brand requires cultivating a deep understanding of and nuanced approach to diverse cultures.

Our Clients.

We’ve partnered with pretty dope people on really amazing projects.

Our Services.

Our offerings are delivered across several formats, from full-service engagements to customized workshops.

We even offer a storyteller-in-residence collaboration. It’s pretty dope!

Brand Development

Brand Architecture

Brand Positioning & Purpose

Brand Storytelling

Brand Strategy

Brand Sustainability

Social Impact Identity

Theory of Change Mapping

Vision & Mission Concepting


Cultura Insights

Design Sprint

Ethnographic Study

New Production Development

New Program Development

Qualitative Research

Youth & Young Adult Culture


Building for Social Impact

Business Strategy for Nonprofits

Community Engagement Strategy

Growth Strategy

JEDI Strategy & Business Integration

Market Adaptation

Reputation Management & Recovery

Strategic Planning

Marketing & Communications

Communications Strategy

Crisis Planning w/ Cultural Intelligence

Internal & External Communications

Employee Culture & Engagement

Key Messaging Development & Training

Local Market & Field Engagement

Marketing Strategy